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Design Patterns for e-Science (Hardcover)

by Henry Gardner

Total: TK. 2,075

Design Patterns for e-Science

1st published, 2007

Design Patterns for e-Science (Hardcover)

Texts in Computational Science and Engineering

TK. 2,075

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

Book Length


388 Pages



1st published


Springer (India)




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Product Specification & Summary

This is a book about a code and about coding. The code is a case study which has been used to teachcourses in e-Science atthe Australian NationalUniv- sity since 2001. Students learn advanced programming skills and techniques TM in the Java language. Above all, they learn to apply useful object-oriented design patterns as they progressively refactor and enhance the software. We think our case study,EScope, is as close to real life as you can get! It is a smaller version of a networked, graphical, waveform browser which is used in the control rooms of fusion energy experiments around the world. It is quintessential “e-Science” in the sense of e-Science being “computer science and information technology in the service of science”. It is not, speci?cally, “Grid-enabled”, but we develop it in a way that will facilitate its deployment onto the Grid. The standard version ofEScope interfaces with a specialised database for waveforms, and related data, known asMDSplus. On the acc- panying CD, we have provided you with software which will enable you to installMDSplus,EScope and sample data ?les onto Windows or Linux c- puters. There is much additional software including many versions of the case study as it gets built up and progressively refactored using design patterns. There will be a home web-site for this book which will contain up-to-date information about the software and other aspects of the case study.
Title Design Patterns for e-Science
ISBN 9783540680888
Edition 1st published, 2007
Number of Pages 388
Country India
Language English

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Design Patterns for e-Science