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100 Plus Clinical Cases in Gynaecology (Paperback)

by Shirish N. Daftary

Total: TK. 1,035

100 Plus Clinical Cases in Gynaecology

1st Edition, 2007

100 Plus Clinical Cases in Gynaecology (Paperback)

TK. 1,035

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Book Length


542 Pages



1st Edition


Elsevier (India)




কমিয়ে দেখুন

HSC আলিমের ৪টি বোর্ড বইয়ের প্যাকেজের সাথে English Therapy'র পকেট বুক ফ্রি!


বই হাতে পেয়ে মূল্য পরিশোধের সুযোগ


৭ দিনের মধ্যে পরিবর্তনের সুযোগ

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Product Specification & Summary

This book succinctly presents both common clinical cases encounter in day-to-day practice as well as complex cases that pose dilemmas in diagnosis and management. Thus a wide variety of clinical situations encounters in Gynaecology have been compiled to provide the reader with an overview of the subject. Each case has been systematically discussed under the follow headings:

* Chief complaints and history taking
* Physical examination and clinical diagnosis
* Investigation and treatment
* Commentary on the problem illustrated by the case

Salient Feature
* Each case is expressed in a logical and progressive way
* Details given at the beginning of each case familiarize the student with the art of history taking
* Most cases have laparoscopic plates, histopathological slides and illustrations for enhanced understanding
* Commentary given at the end of each case provides theoretical and updated information on the subject under discussion
* Provides practical tips and guidance for the assessment and treatment of patients
* MCQ’s after each case highlights, important points to be noted for quick revision

New to edition
This book will assist UGs preparing for practical and viva voce examinations. PGs will benefited for their clinical presentations. It will also serve them as a handy resource for reviewing the subject before the examinations. Moreover, it will assist students preparing for postgraduates entrance examinations, where the current trend is to ask more of clinically oriented questions. Practitioners of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and physicians will also find this book valuable to update their knowledge.

Table of Contents
* Case Study 1: Cryptomenorrhoea: Hematocolpos Following Imperforate Hymen
* Case Study 2: Primary Amenorrhoea: Turner's Syndrome
* Case Study 3: Primary Amenorrhoea: Androgen Insensitivity
* Case Study 4: Primary Amenorrhoea: Congenital Adrenogenital Syndrome
* Case Study 5: Primary Amenorrhoea: Mullerian Dysgenesis
* Case Study 6: Primary Amenorrhoea: Kallman's Syndrome
* Case Study 7: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
* Case Study 8: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Hyperprolactinaemia
* Case Study 9: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Premature Ovarian Failure
* Case Study 10: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Tuberculous Endometritis
* Case Study 11: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Sheehan's Syndrome
* Case Study 12: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Asherman's Syndrome
* Case Study 13: Secondary Amenorrhoea: Bilateral Gonadectomy
* Case Study 14: Menorrhagia in a Young Girl
* Case Study 15: Menorrhagia During the Reproductive Years
* Case Study 16: Menorrhagia During Perimenopause
* Case Study 17: Intermenstrual Bleeding in Younger Age Group
* Case Study 18: Intermenstrual Bleeding: Cervical Polyp
* Case Study 19: Postmenopausal Bleeding: Evaluation and Management
* Case Study 20: Postmenopausal Bleeding: Senile Vaginitis
* Case Study 21: Postmenopausal Bleeding: Endometrial Polyp
* Case Study 22: Postmenopausal Bleeding: Foreign Body
* Case Study 23: Leucorrhoea: Cervical Erosion
* Case Study 24: Leucorrhoea: Trichomonas Vaginitis
* Case Study 25: Leucorrhoea: Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
* Case Study 26: Leucorrhoea: Bacterial Vaginosis
* Case Study 27: Leucorrhoea in Child: Foreign Body
* Case Study 28: Chronic Pelvic Pain
* Case Study 29: Primary Dysmenorrhoea: Managment
* Case Study 30: Secondary Dysmenorrhoea: Adenomyosis
* Case Study 31: Deep Dyspareunia due to Endometriosis
* Case Study 32: Superficial Dyspareunia: Chronic Bartholinitis
* Case Study 33: Acute Abdominal Pain: Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
* Case Study 34: Acute Abdominal Pain: Ruptured Tubal Pregnancy
* Case Study 35: Acute Abdominal Pain: Torsion of Ovarian Neoplasm
* Case Study 36: Chronic Abdominal Pain: Adnexal Mass
* Case Study 37: Acute Abdominal Pain: Acute PID
* Case Study 38: Acute Abdominal Pain: Gonococcal Infection
* Case Study 39: Acute Abdominal Pain: Septic Abortion
* Case Study 40: Acute Abdominal Pain: Corpus Luteum Haematoma
* Case Study 41: Lump in Lower Abdomen
* Case Study 42: Pelvic Mass: Uterine Fibroids
* Case Study 43: Lump in Lower Abdomen: Adenomyosis
* Case Study 44: Bilateral Adnexal Masses: Genital Tuberculosis
* Case Study 45: Lower Abdominal Mass: Dysgerminoma
* Case Study 46: Primary Infertility: Routine Investigations
* Case Study 47: Primary Infertility: Anovulation (PCOS)
* Case Study 48: Primary Infertility: Anovulation due to Hyperprolactinaemia
* Case Study 49: Primary Infertility: Anovulation, Gonadotropin Therapy
* Case Study 50: Primary Infertility: Anovulation (Androgen Excess)
* Case Study 51: Primary Infertility: Blocked Fallopian Tubes (Tuberculosis)
* Case Study 52: Primary Infertility: PID (Hydrosalpinx)
* Case Study 53: Primary Infertility: Uterine Factor (Submucous Myoma)
* Case Study 54: Primary Infertility: Adenomyosis
* Case Study 55: Primary Infertility: Endometriosis
* Case Study 56: Primary Infertility: Cervical Factor
* Case Study 57: Primary Infertility: Male Factor (Oligozoospermia)
* Case Study 58: Primary Infertility: Male Factor (Azoospermia)
* Case Study 59: Primary Infertility: Male Factor (Varicocoele)
* Case Study 60: Primary Infertility: Male Factor (Coital Difficulty)
* Case Study 61: Secondary Infertility: Tubal Factor (Cornual Block)
* Case Study 62: Secondary Infertility: Tubal Factor (Perisalpingitis)
* Case Study 63: Secondary Infertility: Tubal Factor (Hydrosalpinx)
* Case Study 64: Secondary Infertility: Desired Restoration of Fertility
* Case Study 65: Secondary Infertility: Uterine Septum (Hysteroscopic Resection)
* Case Study 66: Secondary Infertility: Luteal Phase Defect
* Case Study 67: Secondary Infertility: Pituitary Microadenoma (Prolactinomas)
* Case Study 68: Secondary Infertility: Asherman's Syndrome
* Case Study 69: Unexplained Infertility: IVF and ET
* Case Study 70: Infertility (Oligoasthenospermia): ICSI
* Case Study 71: Urinary Stress Incontinence: Management
* Case Study 72: Urinary Incontinence: Detrusor Instability
* Case Study 73: Urinary Overflow Incontinence: Management
* Case Study 74: Urinary Incontinence: Vesicovaginal Fistula
* Case Study 75: Urinary Incontinence: Posthysterectomy
* Case Study 76: Urinary Incontinence: Ureterovaginal Fistula
* Case Study 77: Urinary Incontinence: Ureteric Fistula
* Case Study 78: Faecal Incontinence: Complete Perineal Tear
* Case Study 79: Faecal Incontinence: Rectovaginal Fistula
* Case Study 80: Third Degree Uterine Descent: Vaginal Hysterectomy with Repair
* Case Study 81: Nulliparous Prolapse: Shirodkar's Abdominal Sling Operation
* Case Study 82: Procidentia in the Elderly Woman: Le Fort's Repair
* Case Study 83: Vaginal Vault Prolapse: Management
* Case Study 84: Uterine Prolapse in Young Woman: Fothergill's Repair
* Case Study 85: Cystocoele and Rectocoele: A-P Repair and Tubal Ligation
* Case Study 86: Urethral Diverticulum Presenting as Anterior Wall Prolapse
* Case Study 87: Leukoplakia Vulva: Vulval Dystrophy
* Case Study 88: Carcinoma Vulva: Investigations and Management
* Case Study 89: Carcinoma-in-situ Cervix: Management
* Case Study 90: Invasive Carcinoma Cervix Stage IIA
* Case Study 91: Advanced Carcinoma Cervix Stage IIIB
* Case Study 92: Cancer Cervix Stage IV Complicated with VVF
* Case Study 93: Endometrial Hyperplasia
* Case Study 94: Endometrial Carcinoma
* Case Study 95: Gestational Trophoblastic Tumour
* Case Study 96: Ovarian Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Management
* Case Study 97: Fallopian Tube Carcinoma
* Case Study 98: Menopause Management: Hormone Replacement Therapy
* Case Study 99: Menopause: Alternatives to HRT
* Case Study 100: Family Planning: Oral Contraception (Counselling)
* Case Study 101: Family Planning: Intrauterine Contraception (Counselling)
* Case Study 102: Family Planning: Barrier Contraception (Counselling)
* Case Study 103: Family Planning: Natural Methods of Contraception (Counselling)
* Case Study 104: Family Planning: Surgical Methods of Contraception (Counselling)
* Case Study 105: Emergency Contraception (Counselling)
Title 100 Plus Clinical Cases in Gynaecology
ISBN 9788131209639
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 542
Country India
Language English

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100 Plus Clinical Cases in Gynaecology