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Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML) image
  • Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML) image
  • Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML) image

Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML)

Brand: Non-Brand

Category: Health Accessories

TK. 1,350 TK. 1,148 You Save TK. 202 (15%)


  • Country of Origin: China
  • Material: Rubber
  • Colour: Multicolor
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Product Summary & Specification

Special Aluminum alloy alloy manometer
2 tube adult size PVC Tube
Standard PVC Bulb
Green Ash
Large air release valve with spring
Vinyl zipper carrying bag
Sphygmomanometer, also known as ablood pressure meter,blood pressure monitor, orblood pressure gauge, is a device used to measureblood pressure, composed of an inflatablecuffto collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner and amercuryor mechanicalmanometerto measure the pressure. It is always used in conjunction with a means to determine at what pressure blood flow is just starting, and at what pressure it is unimpeded. Manual sphygmomanometers are used in conjunction with astethoscope.A sphygmomanometer consists of an inflatable cuff, a measuring unit (themercury manometer, or aneroid gauge), and a mechanism for inflation which may be a manually operated bulb and valve or a pump operated electrically.
Measurement accuray: plus/- 3 mmHg
The lower value on the scale is "0", the aneroid pointer in the "0" position must be within a tolerance of plus/- 3 mmHg
Stethoscopeis an acousticmedicaldevice forauscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body. It typically has a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the skin, and one or two tubes connected to two earpieces. A stethoscope can be used to listen to the sounds made by theheart, lungs orintestines, as well as blood flow inarteriesandveins. In combination with a manualsphygmomanometer, it is commonly used when measuringblood pressure.
Title: Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML)
Brand: Non-Brand
Country of Origin China
Material Rubber
Colour Multicolor

Brand Information

Non-Brand logo

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Blood Pressure Machine Monitor Sphygmomanometer- Analog Aneroid BP Machine Set With Stethoscope (IML)

৳ 1,148 ৳1350.0

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