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Focus Challenge - English Version

This is the Bangladeshi version of the world famous game “Buzz wire”. Good for improving patience and attention.

17 Ratings  |  7 Reviews

Brand: OnnoRokom BigganBaksho

Category: Science Kit

TK. 880


  • Age: 4 Years+
  • Version: English
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বাংলাদেশে এই প্রথম অনলাইন বাণিজ্য মেলা রকমারিতে। ১ লক্ষাধিক পণ্যে ৭৫% পর্যন্ত ছাড়! সাথে 100+ Bundle Deal, Buy1 Get1, আর Free Shipping নির্দিষ্ট পণ্যে!

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Product Summary & Specification


*This kit has 1 circuit boards
*2 batteries to make the board work
*There are three metal wires, such as curved roads, that can be connected to the circuit board in different ways
*And there are two loops
*One is small, the other is big
*If you can complete the challenge with a big loop, there is a small loop to make the challenge a little more difficult

Siam is a kind of restless boy! It is very hard for him to be steady. Every time he is holding this or shaking that or asking this or asking that, there is no pause! But recently he has been changed. He is spending hours for solving a problem. This is a great act of patience and perseverance. Which thing has changed him that much? It is the smart kit “Focus Challenge”.
To attain success 100 Percent concentration, patience and perseverance is much needed. These three qualities come with a lot of practice. The Focus Challenge kit can help us to gain these virtues. It has 3 zigzag metals on a circuit board. There are 2 small and big loops. The challenge of the focus challenge is to move the wire through the loop in such a way, that there will be no contact between the loop and the wire. This is not possible without a lot of practice and attention. Thus, this kit will help your kid to gain patience, attention and perseverance.
As a responsible parent you can give the science boxes to your children for these reasons-
To overcome digital addiction-
The great challenge of this kit keeps kids busy and helps to increase patience and perseverance. Thus, they can keep away themselves from electronic devices like mobile phone and tab etc.
To give your children quality time
Sometimes, we are giving our children such toys which are okay for his leisure, but not giving them quality time. But this kit is different. You can take the challenge along with your child. This will give them good memories and they will also learn many things.
To increase patience and perseverance
As this is impossible to complete the challenge of this kit without full attention, and they have to try more and more, thus it helps kid to increase patience and perseverance.
Title: Focus Challenge
Brand: OnnoRokom BigganBaksho
Age 4 Years+
Version English
Extra features BigganBaksho App

Brand Information

OnnoRokom BigganBaksho logo
OnnoRokom BigganBaksho

অন্যরকম বিজ্ঞানবাক্স বাংলাদেশের প্রথম সায়েন্স কিট। মূলত পাঁচ বছর বা তার বেশি বয়সী ছেলেমেয়েরা যেন আনন্দের সাথে হাতে-কলমে বিজ্ঞান শিখতে পারে তার জন্য এটি আনন্দময় শিক্ষণীয় একটি খেলা। তারা যেন নিজে নিজেই বাক্সে দেয়া উপকরনগুলো দিয়ে এক্সপেরিমেন্টগুলো করে ফেলতে পারে তার জন্য সাথে রয়েছে একটি সহায়ক বই এবং ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল। বইটিতে ধারাবর্ণনা সহ প্রত্যেকটি এক্সপেরিমেন্ট ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়েছে। একইসাথে কোন এক্সপেরিমেন্টের পেছনে বিজ্ঞানের কোন কারণ বা সূত্রটি কাজ করছে তা চিত্রসহ উল্লেখ করে দেয়া হয়েছে। অন্যরকম বিজ্ঞানবাক্স বাচ্চাদের বিজ্ঞানের ভিত্তি মজবুত করে স্কুলের পড়াশোনায় এগিয়ে রাখতে অনন্য।

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Focus Challenge - English Version

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