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Khata & Spiral Bindings

(Showing 1 to 60 of 223 products)

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Keeping Track of Your Finances with Khata in Bangladesh

Khata books are a traditional method of bookkeeping used in many small businesses in Bangladesh. They are simple and effective tools for recording financial transactions and keeping track of business expenses. Here's a guide to help you understand the benefits of using khata books and where to find them in Bangladesh:


What are Khata Books?

Khata books are small notebooks used for accounting purposes in many small businesses in Bangladesh. They are typically used to record daily transactions, including sales, purchases, and expenses. Khata books are simple and affordable, making them a popular choice for small business owners who want to keep track of their finances without investing in more complex accounting software.


Where to Find Khata in Bangladesh

Khata books are widely available in Bangladesh, both online and in physical stores. Many stationery shops and bookstores carry khata, and they can also be found on the popular online shopping site Rokomari. Practical khata books are a popular choice for businesses, as they include columns for recording transactions and calculating totals.


Available Top Khata & Spiral Bindings at

Hand Writing Khata: Bangla Bornomala (Play-One) TK. 50
Hand Writing Khata: Mathematics Number (Play-One) TK. 50
Hand Writing Khata: Bangla Words (One-Five) TK. 50
Handwriting Khata: Bangla Words (One-Five) TK. 50
Prep Store MCQ Exam Book TK. 149


Khata books are a simple and effective tool for managing your finances and keeping track of business transactions. They are widely available in Bangladesh and are an affordable option for small business owners who want to keep track of their expenses without investing in expensive accounting software. Whether you're a small business owner or just looking to keep track of your personal finances, a khata book can be a valuable tool to help you stay organized and on top of your finances.