Grand Voyage Around the World is about a precious experience of Jharna Chatterjee who loves to travel and to share her enjoyment with her loved ones. I am fortunate to be one of her 'loved ones'. We have been friends since 1967 when we were students in the University of Manitoba, Canada, studying Psychology. When I saw her posts on Facebook, I said to her 'why not give it a permanent shape in the form of a book'? She agreed to my suggestion and this book is the outcome. Jharna Chatterjee's ancestry is rooted in Bangladesh. Her father Late Bhupal Chandra Sengupta, to whom she dedicated this book was born in Bangladesh and lived here in this land during the British period. He illuminated the minds of many young people as a Head Master. His name as a Head Master of Victoria High School of Sirajgonj still dazzles on the inscription board of this institution. So, when she expressed her desire to publish her work from Bangladesh, I tried my best to extend my friendly hand to her. Jharna Chatterjee is a very good writer and a poet. She has published several books in Bangla and English. I hope the readers will enjoy and learn a lot about the places she travelled and the people from various cultural backgrounds she met, as I did myself. So, readers, welcome aboard the Grand Voyage Around the World and share the author's experience and enjoyment.