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The 8th Habit From Effectiveness To Greatness (Paperback)

by Stephen R. Covey

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The 8th Habit From Effectiveness To Greatness

The 8th Habit From Effectiveness To Greatness (Paperback)

3 Ratings  |  1 Review
TK. 1,078

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

Book Length


432 Pages



1st Edition





বই হাতে পেয়ে মূল্য পরিশোধের সুযোগ


৭ দিনের মধ্যে পরিবর্তনের সুযোগ

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Product Specification & Summary

In the '7 Habits' series, Stephen R. Covey gave us a framework to become more effective in every aspect of our lives. In The 8th Habit, he opens up an entirely new dimension of human potential, and shows us how to achieve greatness in any position and any setting. To tap into it is a matter of finding the right balance of four human attributes: talent, need, conscience, and passion. At the nexus of these four attributes is what Covey calls voice the unique, personal significance we each possess. Covey exhorts us all to move beyond effectiveness into the realm of greatness - and he shows us how to do so, by engaging our strengths and locating our powerful individual voices.
Why do we need this new habit? Because we have entered a new era in human history. Nowadays, the challenges and complexity we face in our personal and professional lives are of a different order of magnitude. We enjoy greater autonomy yet at the same time we struggle to feel engaged, fulfilled and passionate. Tapping into the higher reaches of human genius and motivation
Title The 8th Habit From Effectiveness To Greatness
ISBN 9781847391469
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 432
Country India
Language English

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The 8th Habit From Effectiveness To Greatness